Reviews from Teachers
We help teachers make science fun with engaging hands-on experiments that can be done with no prep. The kits are designed to align with your curriculum. Each kit comes with lesson plans, all needed materials, personalized science journal, and the science behind each experiment.
Check out what teachers are saying about The Science Nerds.
Cynthia D. said:
The Science Nerds have designed kits for my students to use for each unit in my pre-kindergarten curriculum. The excitement, laughter, joy, and LEARNING that went on in my classroom is all thanks to The Science Nerds! Jenn and Lindsey worked side by side with my standards and expectations of my curriculum. The activities, the materials, and experiments were all age appropriate and truly made for my students. These kits are everything I have ever imagined for my students!
Michelle S. said:
I think that this is an amazing idea and a way to integrate science as well as other core standards into our pre-k curriculum. Also, after having observed the excitement in the pre-k students last year and during summer camp... how can we not? We need to make sure that we get the lab coats and goggles for the students, it was epic!!